Saturday, 16 March 2013

Pre-Historic Bakeoff

For Red Nose Day 2013 work held a pre-historic bakeoff competition. Although we didn't win we're still proud of our cakes and thought we'd share them :) Rob wanted to go with one large novelty cake and I wanted to go for cupcakes so in the end we made both. After 8 hours of work here are the results:

Scrat from Ice Age after being trampled by a dinosaur, he's still managed to keep hold of his Acorn though!

All tidied up and awaiting judging:

25 cupcakes used together to create an image.

Working on adding the decoration to the dinosaur cupcakes (and making lots of mess).  

The finished product ready for judging:

Be careful what you wish for.....

This cake was a non-birthday birthday cake. Upon seeing the photos of my Granny's birthday cake on Facebook a friend asked whether she could have an early birthday cake. We fulfilled the request and delivered the cake to a slightly embarrassed colleague for everyone at work to enjoy.

Rob once again showed his skills as a master carver by making the cake nice and rounded

The cakes were stuck together with our new favourite filling - Italian Meringue Buttercream

Before it got covered in scrummy ganache

We then made it look like a football

And added a scarf based on her favourite teams colours (Man U)